ALICE® Digital Accelerators
ALICE® incorporates multiple digital accelerators that perform specific functions within the platform
Subject Evaluation aNd SEntiment (SENSE™) provides a level of human-like analysis to DRIMS™ (Digital Records and Information Management System) objects and provides inferential results, along multiple dimensions, to better support human understanding as well as enabling automated decision-making.
Federal REcords ReGIstry Services (REGIS®) is a centralized registry for managing all government records (e.g. emails, HR, financials, social media, etc.) regardless of which silo or system such records are stored. Registers all records with a unique identifier that allows users to search and track throughout the lifecycle.
Federal RECords Policy LIFEcycle Manager (RECLIFE®) is a records manager that tracks and complies with record policies (e.g., length and timing of retainment and archival) at the department-, mission-area-, agency-, and program-levels. Registers all records with a unique identifier that allows users to search and track throughout the lifecycle.
XRay provides intelligent business decision analytics to drive automation, workflow, human review, and decision making.
CONtinuous Enrichment Engine (CONEE®) performs vertical enrichment (extracting more accurate data from records) and horizontal enrichment (enhancing quality of data through combining with one or more of different datasets) to drive incremental quality and insight.
MEta TRAcKer (METRAK®) is a collaborative application that allows analysts to effectively manage metadata and embedded data fields across digitalization process. Registers all records with a unique identifier that allows users to search and track throughout the lifecycle.
CROwd Validation of Data (CROVD®) is a collaborative web application embedding crowdsourcing capabilities that allows subject matter experts (SMEs) and citizen validators to determine the accuracy of the digitalization results, identify issues, and propose corrections to make the digitalization of data more accurate. Registers all records with a unique identifier that allows users to search and track throughout the lifecycle.
Neural AI eXecutive (NAIX®) is an AI and rule-based decision and operating executive that determines the most impactful AI model in a given situation and mission priorities (e.g. speed, cost, accuracy, etc.), then executes it and evaluates results.
Bots in Seats®
Bots in Seats® is a service designed to provide the customer the best possible return on investment (ROI). The ROI for using Bots-in-Seats® rather than the classic “Butts-in-Seats” is compelling. Typically, processes that require hundreds of thousands of labor-hours per year can be completed using Bots-in-Seats® in minutes, with zero-to-minimal human interaction. What is extraordinary is realizing these significant time savings requires a very low-cost investment in RPA. This creates ROIs that are “no brainers”.
Digital Records and Information Management System (DRIMS®/DRIMaaS®) is an enterprise-level digital environment we built, implemented, and currently maintain to create and dispose of digital data in compliance with federal records policy. This scalable, digital fabric system ingests data and intelligently recognizes, categorizes, parses through, extracts, and creates metadata for each document such as charts, tables, or dense text. All data is archived for accessibility within Brillient’s cloud-based repository solution.
DRIMS® Enhance
Digital Records & Information Management as a Service (DRIMS) Enhance is a rules and data transformer within our secure, scalable, cloud-based enterprise solution.
Intelligent Document Processor (iDOC) is a flexible and powerful, general IDP engine that can process, preprocess, or co-process digitalization workloads to improve quality and negate much of the need for more costly alternatives.
AI-Let Gateway
AI-Let Gateway, our signature Federated AI Catalog, provides a Library of Brillient and Third-Party Special Purpose Intelligence Packs such as iSIG & XFinder.
Leverages the power of AI and machine learning for cluster analysis, network analysis, and to discern insights, trends, and patterns in the data.
Analog Transformers
Provides an easy way to define web based forms for data collection directly into DRIMS®.
Evolve is a NetLet-based Federated Evolutionary Learning Platform.
BRAINS® is used to track source material and provide the analytics framework to evaluate workload and produce high-productivity schedules to ensure efficiency, spike/surge response, and maximize labor distribution and use.